College Management System


College management system

Our college management system is to provide an easy way not only to automatic all functionalities of a college, but also to provide full functional reports to top management of college with the finest of details about any aspect of college.

College management system is software has the perspective of attaining attraction of those colleges which don't have one good performing software for keeping their information secure and make their management easier. College management system provides one attractive environment where you can manipulate date and information about students and staff easily. So we can say the core purpose of designing "College Management System" is to manage the task related to the college students/employees and to redact time to searching of appropriate candidates in college view.

This system provides the details structure of the college campus and its departments, College management System Synchronizes the working of all the departments, It looks on all aspencts of a college, its students, faculties, Departments, marks and other co-curricular activities.

Features of online software

Settings : School Name, School Address, Banner & Title, Manage Class, School Prefix, Header Title, Role, Manage Subjects, Logo.

School Fees : School Fees Type, School Fees Structure, School Fees Collection.

Student Admission : Personal Details, Contact Details, Parent Details, Photo Upload.

Student Details : Search student by class, Registration No, Admission Number, Roll Number.

Human Resources : Employee Admission, Employee Search, Class Teacher, Leave Management.

Leave Management : Leave Category, Leave Settings, Employees Leave Assignment, Approve Leave Application.

Attendance : Manage Holidays, Attendance Register For Students, Attendance Register For Teachers, Attendance Register For Staffs, Attendance Report.

college management software
college management software

Employee Salary : Salary Level, Set Allowance Type, Allowance Percentage, Increment Structure, Assign Salary Level, Salary Generate.

Accounts : Create Head, Income/Expense, Accounts Report, Studnet Payment Details.

Time Table : Create Workingdays, Set Class Timings, Teacher Work Allotment, Set Timetable, Studnet Timetable, Teacher Timetable.

Exam Report : Set Exam Name, Set Grading Level, Report Center, Report Publication Date.

Batch Transfer : Current Session To New Session ( From Class, To Class, Current Session, New Session)

Notice Board : Administrator can publish the notice into school/college website.

College Info : Administrator can publish school/college information like about school or college.

Mange News : Any latest news like Admission date, Result published date etc.

Export Database : Most important part is taking back of every day or every week of the system data from Administrator panel.


List of modules of College Management System

College Management Software is extremely important online College Management Software which has many advantages to your Institute.

1. Manage multiple departments from a single computer.

2. Total computerized system.

3. Effective use of time.

4. Cost effective.

5. Charges are one time only.

6. Anywhere, anytime Availability, Internet or Intranet with Automatic Synchronization.

7. Highly customizable according to your requirements

Institute administrative staff can have several benefits from Technologies India - College Management Software, some of which are as follows:

1. Online access login system.

2. 24X7 communication between teachers, parents and students.

3. Brand Image of Institute as a high tech institute.

4. Best possible resource optimization.

5. Centrally stored information with zero redundancy.

6. Everything will be taken care through this application.

7. Auto-generated features like for timetables.

8. Cost-effective one point solution for total Institute management.


Some of the key advantages to Institute and educational institutions are as follows:

1. Total control on the application by Administrator like assigning rights n so on.

2. All the work pressure will be reduced by the use of this application.

3. Availability & Accessibility of records 24X7 to authorized persons.

4. Centralized data repository for trouble-free data access.

5. Authenticated profile dependent access to data.

6. Carefully designed & user friendly interface.

7. High level data security.

8. Freedom from maintaining lots of registers year by year.

9. Elimination of people-dependent processes.

10. Minimal data redundancy.

college management software
college management banner


This is very important application for parents as well. Parents too stand to gain from Technologies India?s College Management Software. Some of the advantages of this College Management Software for parents are:

1. Information about Institute events and holidays.

2. Updates on child's attendance, progress report and fee payment.

3. Regular and prompt availability of Institute updates through messaging system.

4. Active participation in activities & planning.

5. Online login access system separately for parents as well.

Students Management : - The student module enables you to store all personal, academic, professional and history data regarding a student, his/her parents, and his/her siblings.

1. Maintain record of all valuable information about every student.

2. Student's record can be edited as per requirement.

3. Information about alumni students would be given in this module.

4. Change of course & batch can be done easily.

5. Students record can be filtered according to course & batch wise.

6. Student?s photograph & document can be uploaded during admission.

Fees Management :- The fee module enables you to maintain registers of fee receipts and outstanding amounts on a student/class basis. The fee module has a configurable structure for different fee head, and its calculations thereof. This module also provisions for fee waivers and optional fees.

1. Computerized Billing.

2. Various modes of payment by internet banking, credit or debit cards.

3. Different type of fee, fine and other charges can be customized as per student and class.

4. You can verify fee structure of different classes.

5. Amount dues and amount received can be viewed as per month and year with all/specific, class/section or individual student.

6. Easy Counter payment process.

7. Fee dues alert.

8. Online fee payment.

9. Printing facility is not mandatory, payment and receipt can be generated on one go.

10. Report on the basis of fee recovered.

Examination Management :- The examination is the excellent module which covers planning execution, maintenance and monitoring progress. All examination?s result like class test, quiz, internal/ external exams etc. will be online.

1. Online result of every exam.

2. Online planning execution, maintenance and monitoring progress.

3. Can be effectively used to create examination schedules.

4. Take printout of every exam/test report instantly.

5. Students and teachers have profile-based access to the schedule.

6. Send result of every exam/test to parents mobile automatic.

7. Get details of every exam/test, student wise/batch wise.

Manage Attendance :- This module is very much helpful to manage attendance of students of all courses & batches. Absentee remarks can be managed very easily.

1. Manage attendance course & batch wise.

2. Summary of attendance can be viewed at one place.

3. Attendance report can be filtered course & batch wise.

4. Total absentee reports with remarks can be viewed.

Staff :- This module is very much helpful to manage all staffs personal information & information can be updated time to time as per requirement.

1. Keep all staffs records at one place.

2. Very easy to maintain & update staff records.

Library :- All books details can be stored at one place with management of issuing & receiving books.

1. Manage all books details at one place with no. of books, volume, author, etc.

2. Issuing & receiving books can be managed.

3. Search books.

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